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July 24, 2014

Ultra’s Innovations Featured in Industry News

Ultra was delighted to be featured in the July issue of Production Engineering Solutions Magazine. Following our significant investments in new machinery this year, the article explores the impact the right cutting fluids can have on production. Efficiency, performance and quality have all been improved along with some pleasant environmental benefits too.


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July 3, 2014

A fourth industrial revolution? The future of engineering and manufacturing.

An interesting article in The Sunday Times  cited how we could soon be seeing the start of what is being heralded as "the fourth industrial revolution". Throughout history many notable figures have been credited for previous revolutions. James Watt made improvements to the steam engine in the latter part of the 18th century. Henry Ford made history with his assembly line in 1913 which was then improved upon further in the 1970s with the introduction of computers into production and automated assembly lines were born. The next revolution will allow significant production improvements with machinery and products now able to communicate with each other, either directly or wirelessly through the cloud. These ‘smart’ products could potentially raise the level of British manufacturing by as much as 22%. The skills required to power this change of focus will be significantly different to the ones currently sought in manufacture. Despite the technological advances, the right personnel, will as ever, be fundamental to the success of this next phase.


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June 16, 2014

Government Fund for Women Engineers – Welcome Boost to Engineering

The government has announced a large £30m fund to boost engineering and encourage more women into the sector.

This announcement can only be welcome news for our industry and will hopefully encourage engineering to be viewed as a career that is open to all, and not just seen as a ‘man’s world’.

This should be the start of exciting times for the engineering sector and will go some way towards securing our future.


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May 8, 2014

Innovative precision machining for customer

Having recently toured our premises, and after seeing some of our sample parts, one of our customers was taken by the idea of a clear acrylic component. This would allow them to view the process that was happening inside their assembly and enable them to ensure all was working as desired. The customer would then be able to use this part to demonstrate to their customer exactly how the product worked. Our visiting customer consequently asked us to machine part of an oil pump in clear acrylic so they could ensure they were achieving the maximum efficiency of flow pattern. This would then be an invaluable sales aid.

If you would like more information as to how our innovations could benefit you, then please do not hesitate to contact one of our technical sales team.


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