January 15, 2014
Interesting Photographic Manufacturing Exhibition Launches
We were recently contacted by FT.com to inform us of an interesting new photographic exhibition which will start touring the UK at the end of January. In the past our production director has provided information and quotes to the FT for their business articles.
The feature in the FT http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/c54665e6-6c38-11e3-a216-00144feabdc0.html#ixzz2qT2vXDb1 looks at the concept behind the exhibition in depth. It is particularly interesting to Ultra Precision Products Ltd as it cites the growth and success of the more unusual sectors within manufacturing, such as medical and industrial, and those which do not necessarily make a complete ‘end product’, exactly what we do here at Ultra Precision within our precision CNC milling and CNC turning sections.
The exhibition entitled ‘Open for Business’ was a result of much investigation into a broad spectrum of manufacturing businesses, some of which are familiar household names and others which are more obscure. To see what the exhibition is offering and where it is visiting, have a look at their site www.openforbusiness.uk.com.
The exhibition is funded by the Arts Council and 9 other institutions, all based within the UK.