August 28, 2018
A modern read about the history of Precision Engineering
At Ultra Precision the components we make end up in a vast array of destinations. The complexity of the individual parts which go together to make up the end product is often staggering.
Simon Winchester explores this in depth in his book "Exactly". Subtitled 'How Precision Engineers created the Modern World', this really is a fascinating read for everyone, whether or not you are an engineer!
The synopsis of the book on Harper Collins reads as follows -
"Precision is the key to everything. It is an integral, unchallenged and essential component of our modern social, mercantile, scientific, mechanical and intellectual landscapes. The items we value in our daily lives a camera, phone, computer, bicycle, car, a dishwasher perhaps all sport components that fit together with precision and operate with near perfection. We also assume that the more precise a device the better it is. And yet whilst we live lives peppered and larded with precision, we are not, when we come to think about it, entirely sure what precision is, or what it means. How and when did it begin to build the modern world?"
Check out the book link for yourself here -